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Floral Treasures Flowers & Champagne Gift

  • When it comes to showing your loved ones just how much they mean to you, sometimes going the extra mile is necessary. That's why we believe the Floral Treasures Flowers & Champagne Gift is the perfect way to make a truly grand gesture. This gift is filled with delightful treats that are guaranteed to impress anyone lucky enough to receive it.

  • This is what is included in this gift:

    Flowers - This gift includes a purple orchid in a white planter with a support system to keep the flowers upright. If you wish, you can add any wine, champagne, beer, liquor or gourmet gifts from our list of add-ons to this gift

    Chocolate - BOSS Extra Dark Chocolate. BOSS Chocolate is specially made to compliment wine. Our Extra Dark Chocolate Bar pairs excellently with Malbec, Bordeaux, Barolo and Cabernet

    Sparkling Wine - This gift basket includes a bottle of sparkling wine. The sparkling wine may be upgraded to any of the Champagnes/Sparkling Wines from our extensive collection, including several upgrade options at zero additional cost. Additional bottles of wine, champagne, liquor, or beer may be added as well to make this great gift even better.

Size chart

What Is Included in this Champagne Gift Basket?