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Sunset Rose Bouquet

  • The Sunset Rose Bouquet is an ideal gift for birthdays, anniversaries, or Valentine's Day in Canada. Convey your sentiments with a stunning bouquet of beautiful roses, expressing how much you care for your recipient. This gift features a variety of roses in warm hues, perfect for sending a heartfelt message of love. Don't forget to enhance your gift by adding extra items such as a bottle of wine or champagne, gourmet food items, and more. Make the occasion even more special with this thoughtful bouquet from Blooms Canada. The pictured bouquet is the 24 stem option. 

  • This bouquet includes a selection of roses in red, yellow, and orange along with eucalyptus gathered in a floral wrap and tied with a designer ribbon. If you wish, you can add any wine, champagne, beer, liquor or gourmet gifts from our list of add-ons to this gift.

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